6-movement suite for duo, a Souvenir of GuanajuatoI. Plaza del Baratillo (Plaza of the Cheapskate)Around a Florentine fountain given to the city by the Emperor Maximilian,every day is a bartering market day, and the Cheapskate could be themerchant or the customer.II. El Burro Viejo (The Old Donkey)Outside the Alhondiga (a granary where a fierce revolutionary battle wasfought), a patient burro awaits an arduous journey up the cobblestonedalleys of the hillsides.III. La Banda del Estado (The State Band)Every Sunday, from the ornate bandstand among the laurel trees of theJardin Union, come the sounds of marches, opera overtures, and pasodobles played by the uniformed professionals of the Guanajuato StateBand.IV. DulcineaGuanajuato is home to the International Cervantes Festival and this is atribute to Don Quixote´s illusory sweetheart.V. Sancho DanzaSancho Panza, the faithful, long-suffering squire to Don Quixote, deserveshis own tribute, since the book was not named for him.VI. La Rana Loca (The Crazy Frog)The frog is the local mascot to the oasis that is Guanajuato, with itsreservoirs and underground river. A local cafe, The Crazy Frog, is acolorful watering hole.