Missa Tornacum (Harmonie)


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SKU HAS-0532-99-010 S Categorie


Félicien Doyen, the President of the Tornacum Royal Choir Circle of Tournai (Belgium) and a close friend of the composer commissioned this Mass. Missa Tornacum was originally composed for mixed choir and organ, gave a memorable performance of the piece in the Chartres Cathedral in France.

Although it does not include the Credo, the work is composed according to the traditional structure of a Mass in five parts : Kyrie, Gloria, Sanctus, Agnus Dei, and Ite missa est. En the first two parts, a dialogue is created between the choir and the band. It is followed by the Sanctus cycle (“Sanctus” – “Hosanna” – “Benedictus”), which is remarkable for the contrasts between the tone colors characterizing each of its three parts. The fourth part, Agnus Dei, takes on a tone of serene intimacy. A free counterpoint draws this section to a close by fading into an almost imperceptible quietness. Ite missa est begins with a series of imitations, which develop into a majestic and cheerful passage marking the end of the Mass.

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